About Us

Hair loss is an emotional time. We would suggest that you take your time to read our information. Any sort of hair loss is a very private and personal condition and issue. Barnett’s offer a private and very discrete service in our individual suites.
Louis Barnett & Son & Son are wigmakers and hairdressers- Since 1900. The oldest in Australia. The company has had these years of experience and upgrading - to assist with hair loss and associated problems.
Barnett’s offer the ultimate in custom made and stock wigs and hairpieces using guaranteed natural European human hair.
Barnett’s wigs, hairpieces and units are for Children, Ladies and men of all ages.
Barnett’s custom make to the individual client measurements. This provides a secure and comfortable fit.
-Virgin European hair is the best quality hair.
Barnett’s Wigmakers match the client to the density (thickness) , curl, texture and colour to each client’s requirements. Some client’s want big hair and others want slinky and a fine density.
Please note:
We do not shave your own hair to fit under the wig.
The wigs are custom made to clients individual measurements.
Fit snugly and securely with the high tech fine cotton based lace foundation which breathes for comfort and is flexable to encourage hair regrowth.
We also cater for the short term, hair loss using premade up wigs of Asian, Indian, Russian hair origins. One size fits all.
We also have the short term synthetic wigs.
Please also note:
We can also Make a wig from your own hair if it is 30cm. or longer.
-Virgin European hair is recommended for short and long term hair loss clients, e.g. Alopecia, lupus, female/male pattern baldness. Barnett’s offer a written guarantee that the hair is Virgin European hair.
Louis Barnett Wigs are designed to last from two to seven years with regular servicing.
We also accept donated cut hair for cancer patients.
Hair must be at least 30 cm long, not bleached or dyed and tied at the ends.