Types of Wigs

Natural wigs for alopecia

We offer both medical and fashion wig available in European, Human (Asian, Indian) hair, and Synthetic hair blends.

There are three HAIR types of wigs and several types of foundations.

Hair Types:

  1. Virgin European Hair. Natural looking and easy to maintain. The Virgin European hair that is selected by the clients is the actual hair we use in the wig.
  2. Asian, Indian, Russian hair suitable for these people-Referred to as Human Hair.
  3. Synthetic wigs: suitable for short wear [two months] Approx. Not good quality for long-wearing.


  1. Handmade measured foundations of cotton gauze and netting, so the scalp can breath, are the best available. These foundations are the only ones made in Australia on the premises and are fitted after completion to check there fitting and comfort.
  2. Mass produced gauze foundations without front shaping, one size fits all are Imported.
  3. Mass produced wefted foundations. Imported.